
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sonora Pass, CA 10/30/2012

Tuesday: Travel and road ride

We left Carson City NV this morning at 10 am, heading south on US 395.  What a beautiful drive. We have to say a big Thank You to Baja Bob, who has been relentless in his attempts to convince us to take this route. The whole way here has been outstanding.

Topaz Lake
In Antelope Valley
Rock Creek Canyon
Another thing Bob convinced us to do was to pull over and unload the bikes at the start of SR 108, the Sonora Pass highway.  So today we did a road ride, no dirt involved.  It was an outstanding ride! I have to put it in my top 2 road rides ever, dating back to our two-up road touring days, BB. (Before Becca) The other one is the Galena Pass highway from Sun Valley to the Stanley Basin.
This road is steep and the curves are very tight. There are signs warning that trucks and vehicles with trailers should not go this way, however that didn’t stop one truck driver who got in over his head and jack knifed his rig in a corner.  We weren’t sure we could get by but a guy on a big Harley said we could get past if we didn’t mind going on the soft gravel. If we didn’t mind…  CHiP’s was on site when we got up to where the truck was.  They let us go by because as one officer said “I would if I were on that bike”.
So off we went up the pass, enjoying the sights and the twisties…
Silly Wayne

Not one of the Giant Sequoias, but still impressive.  Originally we were only going to ride for an hour, then head back to the coach as we wanted to be farther south by this evening.  But the ride was too beautiful to cut short, so we kept on going.
Walking trail, yes it's paved
This is the Clark Fork of the Stanislaus River. We’d like to see it during spring run-off, I bet it roars!
Now that is a big cone!  I think it is from a Jeffrey Pine, but I’m not sure. That is a size 7 boot.
More places I’d like to see during spring melt
Leavitt Falls 
Leavitt Valley
Nice overlook, built it right around that tree
After our ride, we loaded up the bikes and continued on our way to Lee Vining on Mono Lake.  Mono Lake is a salt water lake sort of like the Great Salt Lake, only smaller.  Highway 120 statrs there and goes up and over Tioga Pass; Yosemite Valley is on the other side.  That is tomorrow’s ride.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Johnson Lane, Minden NV - October 26-29, 2012

Friday: Maintenance Day

Wayne noticed the engine of the coach was missing, so he figured to replace the plugs. As a result on Friday after a short bicycle ride (the roads are very soft sand in places and not a lot of fun), he worked on the coach.  
When he was changing the spark plugs he found that four of the plug wires were damaged and had to be replaced.  So a quick trip to Carson City resulted in new plug wires, a new kickstand for Wayne’s bicycle and a new California Gazetteer for me. 
Andy helping Wayne change the plugs
We spent the rest of the day installing things and checking out the new map. We're not sure of which route to take.  We hear that Highway 395 is beautiful but there is snow up there. Highway 95 through Nevada would have less snow but would be less scenic.  Maybe I’ll see if California has traffic cameras on 395.

Saturday: Dual Sport

The temperatures have been rising both at night and during the day.  It was nice to dress for riding today with far fewer layers of clothing than I had when riding to Mitchell. Today Wayne and I rode 101+ miles in the Pinenut ORV-BLM area where we are camped. We started through areas of sage and Juniper, then climbing into the Pine Nut Mountains and over Sunrise Pass.  Occasionally we found an area of deciduous trees that stood out because of their fall colors.
At the junction we decided to see where the Sunrise Pass Access was. 
We ended up on Artisia Rd, a gravel road with no town in sight. So we turned around and headed back, taking a small road up to one side, to see if it went over the top of the mountain.  It didn’t, so we stopped in a grove of Aspen trees for lunch, and then headed back to the Sunrise Pass road.
Next we headed towards Churchill Canyon.

 Along the way we saw what looked like a large back hoe working off in the sage brush.  It turned out to be a huge brush cutter.  It was mowing down Juniper trees. We had seen the results of this during our drive through Oregon and wondered about how and why the trees are being removed from range land.  Now we know the how.  This machine can mow through a full tree in less than a minute, leaving just a pile of sawdust, branches and debris.  As for the why, I looked up Juniper removal and found that it “has subtly been invading vast acreages of rangeland in the west that were once dominated by sagebrush, grasses, and forbs. Juniper is now estimated to occur on more than 5 million acres in Oregon alone. Although juniper is a native plant, fire suppression and other factors have allowed this tree to expand to sites it never occupied historically. As juniper expands its range, it gradually results in a number of resource problems, such as reduced forage production, increased soil erosion, altered wildlife habitat, and reduced stream and spring flows. Besides affecting a rancher’s bottom line by reducing forage production, juniper invasion is severely impacting rangeland wildlife like mule deer and sage-grouse.” (Natural Resources Conservation Services website) Hmm. When conservation groups state that they want to return nature to its historically correct state, I wonder why.  After all, the earth is continually changing, it’s called evolution and I don’t think they can stop it.  If the trees are invading naturally, if man is not transplanting them there, why are we messing with Mother Nature?  Yes we like deer and grouse, but nature has a way of controlling the size of flocks and herds to sizes that may not be as plentiful as hunters would like them to be.  So who are we helping, the wild life or the ranchers and hunters? Okay, that’s my rant for the day, back to the ride.
After abandoning the road to Churchill as too flat and boring, we returned to the road to Dayton. The road was in horrible condition, full of shale and rock beds.  We stopped several times to decide; do we go forward or back? It was rough and rocky, and 18 miles long.  We kept going, thinking it couldn’t be this bad the whole way.
It was bad, but not the entire way.  It did eventually get better.  We went through several recent fire areas and were amazed to see people with trucks and trailers out on that crappy road, cutting wood.
Recent fire section, open to woodcutters
Then we broke over a small pass, seeing the snowcapped Sierra Nevada’s in the distance. With those in sight I could find our way back to the motorhome.

There were the remains of an old building at the pass, and in the distance, proof of civilization.   

Going over the pass took us out of rangeland and in to mining country.  We passed old buildings and big holes in the ground, nice to see they were surrounded by fences and warning signs. We continued down to Dayton and Highway 50.  This took us to Carson City and another entrance into the BLM Land through Brunswick Canyon.  I have to take a moment and thank the very nice folks in the Sheriff Search and Rescue trucks. They were coming back from some sort of water event (wearing their logo shirts and pulling a nice looking boat). They took the time to help us find the road to Brunswick Canyon.  They sent us up Sedge road which turned into the canyon, from there it connected with the Sunrise Pass Road we are camped on. 101.88 miles and we were back before 5 pm, it was a great ride.

By the way, I found a website for MX parks and ORV areas in the west.  http://www.riderplanet-usa.com/atv/trails/nevada_map.htm.  It seems to concentrate on California, Arizona and Nevada, but it looks like it could help us find ORV-friendly dry camping on our trip.

Sunday: Ride Day, Wayne
Greg came to take Wayne for a ride today. They did about 50 miles, most of which were single track trails.  They started in the sage and sand washes and then moved into the Pine Nut Mountains to ride in the Pinion Pines and Aspens.  Greg says there are hundreds of miles of trails in the local mountains.  We’d like to come back next spring when we are heading north for the summer.

Monday: Virginia City and Lake Tahoe

Today we took the truck and went to Virginia City to play tourist.  I didn’t realize that at Silver City you have to make a choice; you come to a Y in the road and the sign says that both ways go to Virginia City.  One way indicates trucks and RV’s, so we picked the other road.  Next came the sign that warns of 15% grade to come. Glad we were in the truck.  We never saw the other route, but I’m guessing that it is not near that steep.

The road was very cool, and evidence of mining was everywhere.

Virginia City sits directly above the Comstock Lode which produced more than $400 million in gold and silver.  Most of this occurred during a 20 year span in the mid 1800’s.  It was amazing to visit the museum and see the models of how all the tunnels run under town. And the equipment they had to use!

The town itself looks great considering its age.

The Masonic Temple looks newer than other buildings


The Suicide Table is named so because three of the owners (dealers) lost their fortune and suicided on the table.  So they say…

I like the name of this place!

We had to visit and mail post cards to Mom and Becca

The Brewery is not open at the moment, much to Wayne’s dismay

From Virginia City we continued up and over Geiger Summit and down into the valley south of Reno, under US 395 and back up the other side.  And up is correct, the elevation signs were zipping by.  So were the ski areas, we must have passed 3-4 on the east side of Mt Rose Summit which is at an elevation of over 8500’. Down the other side past another ski area and we were at Lake Tahoe.  Here we opted to stay on the west side of the lake, as the sun was headed down over the hill and the east side is a much longer route.

We were both surprised at how large this lake is and the water is so clear!

Tonight is our last night here, tomorrow we head south on US 395.  We decided to go through California Mountains rather than the Nevada desert.  We hope to do some riding along the way.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crooked River Ranch to Minden, Nevada – October 23-25, 2012

Tuesday: Travel Day
In preparation of going full-time one of the things we had to figure out was how to have internet wherever we went.  We looked into a roof satellite dish (too big and too much $$ for us) and Verizon Mobile Hotspots (only work when you have cell service).  We decided to go with the hotspot.  It means that we won’t always be able to post every day, but when we do have service it seems to work pretty well. Then the battery wouldn’t hold a charge so a stop at the Verizon store in Redmond had to happen before we left town. According to the guy at Verizon, you can’t use a twelve volt (car) charger with the hot spot.  Something about how they ‘slam’ power into the battery.  Who knew? I had planned on using the 12 volt all the time because we don’t usually have shore power (110).  We do have solar power and an inverter, so I guess we will have to use that system whenever we need to charge that puppy.

Once on the road, we headed south on 97.  We had hoped to stop at the Paulina Lakes area, but it was snowing when we came through.  Too cold for me to get out and hike around. We went through several little snow showers as we headed south.  Just past La Pine we caught SR 31 and headed toward Paisley.  We saw a hot spring listed on the map at Summer Lake and decided to check it out.  It had snowed here last night, but most of it was gone, just cold still.

The hot spring had a campground attached, so we stayed here last night. At $40 per night, it was a little spendy for the location, but it included unlimited soaks.  The pool is concrete and inside a tin building.  Not as big as Burgdorf and not as warm. We decided to leave this morning without a second soak, just not warm enough for us.

Indoor hot springs
Nice size pool, just not warm enough
 Wednesday: Travel Day

We spent the day heading south; doesn’t that mean that we should be getting warmer? Not today.  Yesterday when it was snowing it didn’t stick to anything.  Today there was enough snow that the snow plows were out to clear the slush off the side of the roads.  There were even a couple places where only the two-tracks where the tires rode were clear of snow.  This is not what we signed up for.  We had hoped to spend the night near Susanville California, with a dual sport or truck tour of Lassen Volcanic Park.  We saw all the snow in that direction and decided to continue on toward Reno.  At 4:30 we pulled into Nevada at the Bordertown RV Resort.  No hot spring, but for less than we paid last night, it is a nice clean modern park with full hook ups.  It also has hot showers, Wi-Fi, laundry room and a casino.  After all it is Nevada!

Today we stopped in at Dirt Tricks/Ironman Sprockets in Minden NV.   Minden is located just south of Carson City.  Several years ago at the Idaho summer ride we camped and rode with one of the guys from there, Greg, and Wayne has worked with Nate over the phone and email.  Wayne's used their sprockets on many of our bikes. We stopped in because they had both mentioned that they ride right out of the shop.  Riding areas often have camping areas and we were tired of RV parks.  We keep the cats in the coach when we are in heavily populated areas such as parks and some campgrounds.  They hate it; they like to go outside particularly at dusk and dawn. People wonder how we can just let them out when we usually camp in the forest or dessert, typically mentioning coyotes and other critters.  Actually we are more worried about people; someone seeing them and thinking they have been abandoned and then taking them home.

Andy in Camp

Bailey at a pond

 After Greg and Nate gave us a tour of the machine shop, plans were made for Greg to take Wayne riding on Sunday, Nate has other commitments.  They also showed us good camping by using Google Earth, boy we like technology, eh? We found a campsite on BLM Land and set up camp.  Wayne worked on bike maintenance and I went into Minden to pick up our mail and new spark plugs for the motorhome.