
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 13-15, 2016 LoggerCross in Orofino

While we were in Idaho City our friend's son Kris came to ride with the "old" guys. He is currently living in Orofino Idaho. Orofino is a modest sized timber town located east of Lewiston on Highway 12 along the Clearwater River. It is also the location of an amazing off-road racing event, the Orofino LoggerXross. If you know about EnduroCross then the track will look vaguely familiar. This is a logging town, so the gnarly track is littered with logs, rocks, logs, old gigantic tires and more logs.

Wayne has always wanted to check it out, and we needed a good overnight trip to try out the set up on the new bikes, so off we went.
First stop was to show off the new gear and set up to JD and Raydonia
And then we were off...

From Idaho City we headed north on SR 21 to Lowman, where we took a left and headed to Banks which is on SR 55 along the Payette River. Here we headed north to our lunch stop in McCall. We had lunch at Growler's Pizza Grill. It was cool enough in McCall that I had a chance to try my heated glove and jacket liners.  Wow! That's all I can say...Wow!
From McCall we continued north and jumped onto US 95. This took us up the new White Bird grade.  White Bird is one of the access points for the Hell's Canyon Recreation area. It is also the location of the first battle of The Nez Perce War. While researching this War I found that the opening battle was a resounding defeat for the US Army. They lost 34 men, with only 3 wounded Indians, no dead. This war would end with Chief Joseph surrendering in Montana and giving his famous speech which ends with "I am tired; my heart is sick and sad.  From where the sun now now stands I will fight no more forever."

One of the things we learned on this trip is that we need to take more frequent short stops. If you don't, your tush will remind you very loudly. 
From White Bird we continued north to Grangeville, where we took SR 13 east to where we would join US 12 in Kooskia. This is the South Fork of the Clearwater River and SR 14, near Lightening Creek. We turned left (northwest) on US 12 to finish the last 40 miles along the Clearwater River for a beautiful ride down the river canyon. It was a 280 mile day, and the only change I would have made would have been to make more 5 minute stops to stretch our legs...

We found the Clearwater Crossing RV Park in town and set up camp. Then it was time to find dinner and go check out the event. We were a little confused with the time zone change, along with me mis-remembering the start time, so we missed enough of the racing that we decided to call it a night as the sun was going down.
Sculptures of Weetxuuwiis and Chief Twisted Hair at Lewis & Clark Crossing are located just below the Orofino Bridge at the RV Park. This was a place where Lewis and Clark crossed the Clearwater River. I doubt they could do it now, the dams have created a much larger river!!!

Saturday started with a walk around town. It's a cute little place, stretching north along the Orofino Creek and the Grangemont Road. The weather began to change while we were walking about.  Rain was looking more likely, so we decided to head back and see about moving our tent.
Management was kind enough to let us move under the picnic cabana. 
This is the riders doing their track walk. There were a few of the pro's we recognize from Enduro Cross, such as Ty Tremaine, Kyle Redmond, Cory Graffunder, Max Gerston and Cooper Abbott. We were saddened to hear later that Cooper's Dad Destry was diagnosis with Luekemia 2 days after the race. We knew he wasn't feeling well, as he had planned to race, but was unable to do so.
The course was really tough, although the Pro's made it look easy the locals who had their own heat race made it look impossible!  They were endo-ing and crashing on most of the logs!  All in the name of entertainment, and a $300 purse for them.  The pro's purse was a bit more, $10,000.

Our favorite was little Lexi Winn. She finished first in a mixed heat of 65 cc bikes (beginner and open class) and then was second in the 85 cc beginners class. She was on her 65 cc bike and beat 4 of the 5 boys on their 85's.  You go girl!!!

It sprinkled on and off all night but wasn't really an issue.  In the morning we were up and on the road before the rain really hit.  And hit it did.  What a great test of our waterproof (or not) gear.  My Forma Adventure boots and my H2O Bilt pants and "Don't Hit Me" jacket worked great. I was dry, except for my hands, and that was my fault for not changing to my waterproof gloves sooner.  We found that we need to add RainX to the tank bags. If I hadn't used my left hand as a face-shield wiper, it would have stayed dryer longer. Wayne's stuff didn't work near as well.  He did have dry hands, but his Gaerne Adventure boot leaked and so did his one piece Aerostich suit. We'll have to add overshoes for him and he'll have to put on his rain gear if it rains hard. And it did rain hard on us. But the heated gear worked again and I was dry so....

This time we did stop more frequently, mainly to get warm drinks or clean off face shields, but still it showed how much more comfortable we could be.  All in all it was a great test ride of the gear and the new racks and luggage that Wayne has added.  
I have to say a big THANK YOU to my friend Lyon for building my tail rack!!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6, 2016 -- Idaho City Rides

We have come to Idaho City for our favorite time of year, Spring riding. Unfortunately we will have to leave early this year, but that shouldn't stop us from having a great time while we are here!

The first ride was a street ride with Wayne. So we got the new bikes ready. My new ride "Singer" is above.

 Wayne preparing his GS
 We set out from Idaho City on Highway 21, over the 2 passes and down to Lowman, where we headed west to Crouch for lunch.
After a great lunch at Wild Bill's, we went through Banks and headed south through Horseshoe Bend to Boise. From there we looped around to Highway 21 and back up to Idaho City.

The next day we decided to hit the dirt. JD Took us for a wonderful ride in the mountains east of Idaho City.
 We went up and over Rabbit Summit and down to the North Fork of the Boise River. Here is Wayne checking out my Suzuki.  I haven't taken her out since I got "Singer".
 We followed JD over the Barber Flat Bridge, up and over the hill to the Middle Fork. We were surprised at the fact that the road has already been cleared enough to get through!
 Once we went down the Middle Fork, we crossed the river at Long Gulch. The hills are covered with yellow flowers
 There goes Wayne!
 One of our favorite lunch stops. Hamburgers and good friends!
 Rosie is the official greeter!
 We took Black's Creek Road back, and crossed the South Fork of the Boise River.
 Go Wayne Go!!

This was our last look at the river until we got back on Highway 21 headed back up to Boise. What a wonderful day of riding with JD and Wayne!  Thanks guys!