
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Monday, October 26, 2015

WaBDR and BC, Part 4 Olympic Peninsula

Day 13--Sequim WA to Olympia WA

We spent the night with Bob and Cindy's friends Larry and Donna in Sequim. We hadn't slept in a bed since Wenatchee, so that was very nice, along with hot showers!
Larry and Donna were great hosts.  They fed us dinner and breakfast, then sent us on our way. This would be our last day of riding together.
We left Sequim on a route that my friend Doug helped me design. We started on pavement but soon dropped onto the dirt on a quad trail.  We bombed around on Forest Service roads, making our way to Highway 101.
We stopped for lunch at the Geoduck Tavern, because how can you pass up a place that is named for really big and really gross clams!!  Plus Lyon got to hang out with his last bear!
We continued south on 101 and small back roads until we got to McCleary and Straddle Line ORV Park.  Here we got back on dirt roads that paralleled Highway 8 going east.
From the power lines we found a road that was posted as ending in a locked gate.

Good thing our friends Scott and Beth own the land on the other side and have a key!! We spent our last night at their place, checking out the yard art Beth makes and playing on their zip-line.

Day 13--169 miles

Day 14--Olympia to home

In the morning we broke camp and headed in our separate ways, Lyon, Cindy and Bob headed out to the coast and took the 101 down to Oregon.  Wayne and I took back roads through the towns of Rainier and Buckley on our way back to Enumclaw.  From there we back tracked our way home.

For us this trip was 16 days and 2,268 miles. We had so much fun, and had the best friends to do it with!  Thanks Lyon, Cindy and Bob for being a part of this Big Adventure!

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