
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

San Diego or Bust, August 2017 Part 2

Friday –Day 5

Destination: Wyatt’s house, Trinity Center, CA
Miles: 136
Word of the Day: Food
Critter Count: small herd of deer

The rain held off and we had a great night. We decided that we could sleep in as we only had 100 miles to get to Wyatt’s place and he didn’t expect us until noon.  Yeah, right.  Even sleeping in we were on the road by 8:10.  LOL

We started the day on some really narrow twisty roads as we followed the North Fork of the Salmon River to the Forks of the Salmon.  On the way Dave, who was leading almost hit a deer. The herd was standing in a field with the rancher who was tending his horses.  Three of them decided to bolt, 2 in front of Dave and 1 behind Wayne.  I watched those other deer very closely, I didn’t want one to jump on me!!!
Time to strip that first layer 
We continued down the paved mountain trail (Cecilville Rd) to Callahan on Hwy 3. We needed to pick up food for dinner at Wyatt’s so we turned left and went back north to Etna to get food as Trinity Center does not have a market. Then we took the Callahan road back down to where we had come in from the west. Now it is south on Hwy 3 to Wyatts place. Here we had a great visit and showers!!
Wyatt and his mom Lou were the best hosts you could ask for. I think all we did was eat, from fresh bread (that Wyatt made) for lunch to the massive spread for dinner, we also had cake for dessert.  Awesome!
Loretta, Lou and Wayne
So much food! With Wyatt, Cindy, Dave and Loretta

Saturday—Day 6

Destination: Fort Bragg, California
Miles:  310
Word of the Day: separation
Critter Count: 3 deer, 3 turkeys

We started out with a great breakfast at Wyatt and Lou's. Then it was on the road for us. This is our last day as a group of 8.  We started going south on SR 3, past Trinity Lake. We turned off onto Rush Creek Rd and down to Lewiston.  We should have stopped here for gas, but because we had topped off in Etna yesterday I forgot that we had a really long section with no gas available. Opps!  We took a right on SR 299 and went 10 miles to rejoin SR 3.  We turned off again on the Wildwood Road .
 Time to strip off a layer
 And to say good bye to Bob and Cindy.  They are leaving us at the next intersection, to go visit family.
The 6 of us turned right on SR 36 and followed it to the Mad River Road. I was starting to get worried, as we hadn't seen gas since Lewiston.  I was so happy to see the sign indicating that camping and GAS were available on our route along Ruth Reservoir, even if it was only regular not premium gas.  We went around the lake and part way up the other side before the road headed west. The road started out in good shape, be started to deteriorate.  It continued to get more pot holes and broken concrete and lumps and bumps. I don't know how Dave and Loretta do this stuff 2-up on his bike! I mean, really. Wayne was jumping some of those lumps!  But eventually we got down to Highway 101, and good gas!  We followed the 101 down to Leggett where we stayed right and took SR 1 to the coast. Once again the marine fog and cold made us glad to turn inland on Branscomb Rd.  This tiny, windy road was so much fun, right up until we caught up with that little class C motor home with an idiot at the wheel.  Eventually we got by him and got back to the 101. Then it was south to SR 20 where we went west, back towards the coast.  We stayed at the Wildwood campground.  What a dump!  Plugged toilets, lakes in the showers and a horrible location for the tent sites.  The good news? --
-- Only 5 miles to the North Coast Brewery

We were disappointed at the Tap Room. First, they don't fill growlers. Second, they served Wayne's favorite beer, Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, in a 7 ounce glass, charged him $7 and it was at least 1/3 foam.  Third, it took forever to get a table, but once we did... the service was quick and the food was great.  Still, I'd only give them 3 stars.
As the sun was setting over the Pacific, we headed back to camp, arriving just before dark.
Considering how bad the camp was, all the tent sites were full when we returned from dinner. And the group next to us was loud until late in the night.

Sunday-Day 7

Destination:  Petaluma, California
Miles:  231
Word of the Day:  Grapes
Critter Count:  2 deer

We got up at 6:30 and packed up camp, not really caring how loud we were.  After all, the neighbors had been loud until 2 in the morning. The campground did keep one promise, no coastal fog, although there wasn't any in Fort Bragg either.  We headed into town for gas and breakfast.  Today Dave, Loretta and Darryl are headed north as they have to be home in time for company to come.
The cafe was very popular with the motorcycle crowd
Our group getting ready to hit the road
The view from the bridge at Fort Bragg

Lyon, Wayne and I headed south to Mendocino where we turned inland right after the Big River. The Comptche-Ukiah Rd was very tight and so fun. In one corner I was leaned so far over that I felt my left boot drag on the pavement!! Go me!  I really am using all my tire!

At Comptche we turned right on the Flynn Creek Rd and headed south again until we hit SR 128 when we turned west and twisted our way back down to the coast through the giant redwood trees. We stayed on the coast for a short time before heading back inland near the town of Elk on the Philo-Greenwood road.  This took us back up to SR 128 which we followed to Cloverdale. It was here that we really began to see miles and miles of vineyard.  Grapes, grapes, miles and miles of grapes. It would be never ending for most of the time we were in Southern California.  How much wine do we really need in the world?
From Cloverdale we headed back west past Lake Sonoma, and down to SR 1.
We stopped for lunch at Salt Point State Park. This 6,000 acre park includes one of California's first underwater park.
It has breathtaking views of offshore rocks, and a thundering, boisterous surf 

Lyon checking it all out
A great memorial to lost friends
Beautiful sounds as we ate lunch
Our trusty mounts
We stayed on the coast for almost 30 miles, the most miles on the coast so far.  At this point we were in the back-up for a stoplight at a construction zone. I bet they have a flagger on the weekdays, but not on Sundays. We waited through 3 or 4 rotations before we were moving again.  We detoured to get gas then took the Bohemian Highway from Monte Rio to the Bodega Highway. We then took a combination of county roads until we got to the KOA in Petaluma.  It was a nice park, good showers, nice laundry and close to Lagunita's Brew Pub and Beer Sanctuary. Stop 3 on the Brew Tour.  Lyon's brother Robert and his wife Franchesca came from Napa to have dinner with us there.  5 stars--The food was great and they filled growlers, Wayne was happy.

Next stop will be the Joseph Grant Park east of San Jose.

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