
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

2017 Fall Trip -- Boerne, TX

On Wednesday we moved to just north of Boerne, TX.  It was only about an hour from where we were, but it gives us access to more area to the west and gives us an opportunity to get to a Costco.
Here is where we are now.

 We are staying at the Top of the Hill RV Park. A little more high end than normal for us, but the location is good
 And we fit in the sites
This was our route the first day
 Thursday we headed out to ride.  We headed southwest to Medina Lake
 We spent a lot of time on 2 lane highways

 While riding we often see Historical Markers.  It is much easier to stop and read them in Texas as they not only warn you that they are coming, but also how far away and what side of the road it will be on.  We also found more pull-offs available at the signs than other states give.
 We stopped for lunch at a city park in Bandera
 Crossing the Guadalupe River at Dam C Lake
And then crossing it again one more time before we got back to the RV

On Friday we headed back up towards Comfort.

 On our way home yesterday we saw this house in the distance. Today we rode by and discovered that it is part of the Stasis Project, home of Cryogenic Research and soon to have a storage facility called Timeship.  Hummmm.  It is on 650 acres with several huge houses and facilities, but when I went to learn about the property (because the house looks like it should have a story) I couldn't find anything.
We finally had a day of smaller country roads.  It was nice to get off the 65-70 MPH (yes 70 MPH) two lane Farm and Ranch Roads.
 We were back in LBJ country  so we did the driving tour of the Ranch.
 Saw the school he attended
 And "Air Force One-Half" the jet he used to get to the ranch
 Not quite our idea of an ATV

And the Texas White House

Then it was back to camp.  We spent an additional day in Boerne doing chores and making sure we had internet on Saturday afternoon.  
We needed the internet so we could watch, via Skype, the announcement that our highly anticipated grandchild is a boy!!!  We can't wait for Finley Ray to arrive in April!

Tomorrow we will move to our last riding area in Texas. We plan to ride the highly acclaimed Three Sisters ride out of Leakey!

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