
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Big Pine California, Saline Valley —November 1-2, 2012

Thursday: Travel Day

After leaving Lee Vining, we headed south again on US 395. The road rolls along the edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  When we come back this way again we will not stay in Lee Vining (and the RV Park) but will look for dispersed camping in the area south of the June Lakes Loop Road.  That means getting to the area well in advance of darkness.  If we had more time when we first got to Mono Lake, we might have looked in the June Lake area for camping. But we took too long on the Sonora Pass ride (and it was well worth it! See earlier Sonora Pass Post) to accomplish that, plus we wanted to ride the Tioga Road into Yosemite, which is easier done from Lee Vining.  However we didn’t get to check out Mono Lake and there appears to be a nice dual sport ride around the lake, out through the forest, down to Lake Crowley and around the town of Bishop.  But that will have to wait until next time.
US 395 south of Lee Vining
We took a quick stop at a rest area 5 miles north of the Mammoth Lakes Turn off.  We left the coach there and used the truck to go into town.  Wayne had found a flyer for the Mammoth Lakes Brewery and tap room, so we had to go!  My Tom-Tom had some problems again, I really need to replace that thing, but we found the tap room, bought beer and then looked for lunch in town.  We stopped at a bakery/cafe and split a great turkey sandwich. From there we took the scenic route back to the coach, and then headed south again. 
At Big Pine, we went east on SR 168; out to the Death Valley Road.  It is closed to regular cars farther down the road, but we figured we’d find a place to camp on either BLM or USFS land and then take a dual sport ride through Saline Valley.  And we did find camping, sort of.  Just past the start of US Forest Service Land Wayne actually backed the coach and trailer up the start of one jeep road, and then angled on to another two track road.  Taking us back far enough to find level, we then put out the slides and called it home.  The cats loved being out in the sage brush again, although I get tired of pulling sharp twigs out of their fur.
Friday: Dual Sport—Saline Valley
Saline Valley is just to the west of Death Valley.  It is not as severe as its more famous neighbor, but still very stark.  We have been hearing about this area for years from various friends who have camped and ridden here. We headed up the Death Valley road to where the Saline Valley Road takes off to the south through old mining sites and over North Pass.
This crew is rebuilding some mining buildings, and making them safer for people to look at
This one has been rebuilt
Anyone down there??
The North Pass road is slightly washed out in places, and travels through Juniper covered hills.  Sometimes the trees are so thick the road looked like it was in a tunnel. After we got below the tree line, the road resembled a roller coaster.  Very fun. 
As we came down this road we could see the salt flats in the distance that we were told were a clue that the turn off to the Saline Valley Warm Springs was coming.  Although the road gives you the best hint; it appears as if this is the only way the traffic every goes.  And it is true that the road from there to the South Pass is in much worse condition, so maybe everyone does come from the north.  Well, not everyone, we did come across a number of vehicles that had braved the pass.  Neither of us wanted to trade rigs with any of them.
The hot springs are wonderful soaking springs, complete with camping, lush lawns, palm trees and water temperatures in the low 100’s. Several of our friends have talked about this place, and although I wouldn’t want to take my motorhome down that road, our friends Ken & Jackie as well as Stan have all taken theirs out there.  I think Dual Sport bikes, loaded with camping gear might be the way to go; once camp is set up you could spend time exploring all the things in the valley. Wayne thinks the pick-up truck with camping gear might work.  Either way I’d have to sleep in the ground, hummmm.
Sign post lets you know you’re close
Nice lawn
Palm trees
There are 4 source pools in the area
Some one did a lot of work out here
Back on the main road we went by sand dunes and salt flats and this:
Really? Does the mailman really deliver out here? The flag is even up.  This is almost 30 miles from the closest paved road and I guarantee the mailman doesn't drive one of those little white trucks (LLV).
Wayne says you hook this to your pickup truck to grade the roads.
It was strange to ride all that way in the drab desert, and turn a corner to this green marshy place.
Left over towers from the Swansea Salt tram
In the early 1900's salt was still used as a preservative for food. The Saline Valley had plenty of salt, so a tram was built to carry it from the valley over the Inyo Mountains to the town of Swansea in the Owens Valley, and off to market by rail.  The tramway was constructed from 1910-13.  Gondola cars carried 800 lbs. of salt, and traveled at a rate of 20 tons per hour. It ran on and off through the 1930's and moved a total of 30,000 tons of high grade salt.  The 13.5 mile length was made of a series of tramways with a unique crossover system allowed the gondolas to go from one tramway to the other without stopping. It was an amazing piece of engineering for its time, yet only a few towers are still visible.  A ride for another day would be to go to Swansea to see if more of the tram system is evident there.
At the end of the valley, the road starts up a narrow drainage.  It’s no wonder that this part of the road washes out almost every year. What surprised us was the presence of Joshua trees.  They don't usually look like this, and I haven't seen them in this kind of location before.  Did you know that the Joshua tree is actually a member of the Lilly Family? It is amazing what you can learn at Rest Area Information booths!
We finally turned away from the Saline Valley, with one last great viewpoint.
Once we got down the other side, Joshua trees were everywhere, and looking much more like I would expect, like little solders in a giant formation.
After the Joshua trees, we continued through the sage and rocky hills, finally reaching SR 190 at the 100 mile mark of our ride and the clock at 4:00 PM.  So we turned right on the pavement and did 90 more miles, this time in less than 2 hours on state routes and US 395.  Once again we were racing the sun, but this time we won, arriving at camp with some day light remaining.  It was another great day, we were both glad we had a chance to see this area; it is so different than anything we’d normally see.



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