
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

April 10-15, 2013 -- Minden NV to Crooked River Ranch (CRR) OR

The day after our big adventure while staying at Wilson Canyon, we headed north to Minden, to once again ride with our friends at Dirt Tricks.   As part of the working world, Nate and Greg won’t be available until Saturday, so we stayed in an RV park for a couple of days so we could wash the RV and do laundry, as well as plug into cable TV to catch up on world events (and sports!!)  Once we parked we loaded the KTMs into the truck and found a car wash.  The truck was covered in whatever Nevada uses to de-ice their roads, and the bikes are rolling mud balls from our ride.

Wayne scrubbing my bike, what a guy!

We timed it right for the flowering trees; the town is awash in pink and white blossoms. 

The truck and bikes washed up nicely.  All clean, until we move again…
Once we get back the sun is low enough that we can wash the coach and the trailer.  What a job, I always forget how big they are until we wash them!  And they were filthy!!  They sure looked good when we were done and we were exhausted!  I decided to put off doing that laundry until the next night, just too tired.

We took one day to go find Fernley and the Amazon Distribution Center.  We also found the RV parks and found one that we would fit in without a problem.  Now we are just waiting on the ‘approved park list’ so we can make our reservations for October-December.  Hope all that works out.

On Friday we moved to Dirt Tricks and parked behind the building.  The parking lot backs up to a slice of desert, so the cats were able to go outside as soon as the workers went home for the weekend.  It’s nice to have a place that is level and not 4 miles down a dusty road; after all we had just washed the rigs!

On Saturday morning Nate and Greg come to grab Wayne and they all go off for some single track riding.  I get a day to myself, just me, the cats and classical music.  It was great, except that I felt like I was coming down with something.  Sure enough on Sunday I was running a fever over 100 and felt like crap.  Oh joy, I get to drive all day Monday as we head to Crooked River Ranch for our next stop feeling crummy.

The weather was great while we were in Minden, but a storm has rolled in again as we are leaving.  We head north on Hwy 395 thinking it might take us 2 days to get to Crooked River Ranch. When we pass Susanville I remember that the weather was bad on the way down in October, and here we are in April and it sucks again.  I wonder if it is ever nice here.

 We had rain and snow off and on all day.  We deviated from our previous route at Alturas and went northwest to Klamath Falls. That section of highway was breathtaking.  From K-Falls we headed north to Bend, arriving about 6 pm. 

  After a quick stop to phone Sue and Jerry to let them know we had made it that far, and to get some dinner, we headed to CRR to camp in Sue and Jerry’s driveway.  When we were here in the fall Jerry had shown Wayne a little orange step-through Honda 90 that he could not get to run right.  Staying with them would give Wayne a chance to get it running for Jer.  By the time we left, Jerry was putting around on it and having a ball.

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