
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 14, 2016 North to Alaska Day 8

It was a good thing that we pitched our tents in the pavilion.  It rained on and off during the night. But because we were under cover again, it meant that all our stuff was dry when put away. Yeah!!  We left camp in two groups.   Ours left first, about 8:00. I led the group of 5, Wayne and I, Bob and Cindy and Lyon. As the leader, I got to set the pace, which meant we did the speed limit, and got much better mileage then when "them boys" were leading!  Also it helped with our timing, as there was a black bear on one of the access roads, headed out onto the highway.
 I chose not to stop, but Lyon and Cindy were brave, and got pictures. 
Highway 2 was breathtaking, with both sides of the road lined with bright pink and purple flowers. We stopped in Pelly Crossing for gas and a look around the Big Jonathan House Heritage Center. Here we learned a bit more about the history of the area. Then it was on to Stewart Crossing, where we joined up with Ken and Dave.
 From here Dave, Lyon, Cindy and Bob took the side trip to Keno. The road is not paved, so Wayne didn't think he should go, with his chain and sprocket issues. Instead, Ken, Wayne and I continued on to Dawson City.  The RV park we will be in with the group starting Wednesday was full for the night, so we rented a cabin at Klondike Kate's. A real bed, warm showers and real chairs to sit on. Luxery at its finest! When we checked in we were told about happy hour, so of course we had to check it out.  After dinner, we toured the town. 

This is the ferry we will take when we leave on Saturday.
The river boat Keno
In 1898, over 12,000 ton's of supplies were unloaded in Dawson City. By 1899  60 steamboats, 8 tugs, and 20 barges were in service on the Yukon River.

Tomorrow the rest of the group should arrive, and we will group up at the RV Park
Critter Count: 1 bear
201 miles

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