
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, September 1, 2017

San Diego or Bust, August 2017, Part 4

Thursday—Day 11

Destination:  Idyllwild, California
Miles:  192
Words of the Day:  Stop signs
Critter Count:  2 coyotes

Camp last night was HORRIBLE!   As we were all up by 6 am, we packed up and were on the road by 7:15.  Camp was on the Soledad Canyon Rd so we headed back 12 miles to the Angles Forrest Highway where today's track took off south.  It made me unhappy that only 14 miles up that road, here was a USFS campground.  One that was not on google and not on my Garmin.  We would have camped there instead of the KOA in a heartbeat.  Oh well, that's why it's called Adventure Riding.
 From the Angeles Forest Rd we turned left and went east on the Angeles Crest Hwy. What a hoot!! It twists and turns high on the ridge and is a great way to avoid the Los Angels mess, at least it's great on a bike.  Might not be so fun in a car.
 Lyon, messing with stuff.  Both our bikes look pretty loaded down.  Wayne's bike continues to sound the same, no drastic changes so he continues to ride with us. 
 Beautiful country
 We stopped for coffee in the small town of Wrightwood.  Then it was time to cross I-15 and head back up to the ridge top so we could avoid San Bernadino.
 We went down to the valley floor on SR 138
This put us on the eastern edge of San Bernadino where we skirted around the airport, crossed I-10 (for the first time) and took the Timoteo Canyon road southeast.  Once we crossed I-10 (2nd time) we got into the land of stop-signs.  OMG it was horrible, I thought they would never end.  We continued through Banning and crossed I-10 for the last time and finally left the stops signs behind--for the most part.
 The view of Banning from SR 243
 Then it was up to Idyllwild for lunch at Wayne's favorite cafe, the Red Kettle.  He swears they make the best hash brown potatoes, then we put up camp.  We had plenty of time before dinner so Wayne decided it was nap time.
 Idyllwild is a neat little town, we walked around and checked it all out.  Lyon took lots of pictures of the carvings.
 Check out the panda bears
 This is the center piece of the town square
 We had to check out the new brewery.  Open less than a year, but what a beautiful place.
Wayne gave the beer a thumbs up

After dinner we spent a restful night in our quiet camp.  Tomorrow we get to San Diego!!

Friday—Day 12 and Saturday (no traveling)

Destination:  Shelter Island, San Diego, California
Miles:  161
Word of the Day:  Finally
Critter Count:  4 turkeys, covey of Quail

We packed up camp and went back to the Red Kettle for breakfast because Wayne REALLY loves their hash browns!!!  Then we headed down the hill on SR 243.  We had to stop at one point and let 4 wild turkeys wander across the road.  Shortly after that Wayne had to employ evasive maneuvers as a covey of quail couldn't figure out how to get off the road.  Too funny!  

Now we are in the part of California that we rode this past winter, so lots of today's ride looks familiar.  We took SR 74 south to SR 371. Then west to SR 79. We then went south to SR 76.  We were meeting our daughter Becca and her husband Bo for lunch in Escondido so we turned back north and caught the Grade Roads.  These go up to the Palomar Observatory.  We have never been up to it, but we will someday.  For now, we call this the 'snowball' road.  There is a sign on the northwest end of the grade roads that says "Illegal to throw snowballs at cars".  Really!  First, this is not that high in elevation, do they really get snow?? and second, why would you have to tell people it's illegal? Are some people that dumb?  I guess so.
 We look like the MC version of the Beverly Hillbillies
 View of Lake Henshaw from the East Grade Rd
 View to the west from the Grade Rd

Once back on SR 76 we turned off onto county roads and snuck through Escondido to find the Stone Brewery and Bristo, to meet the kids for lunch.  And it was really hard to find, at least the entrance was.  
 This little sign was the only indication.  We could smell the brewery, but absolutely no signage to be found.  We had to ask the kind lady walking her dog as to how to get in.

After lunch we hit up a Walmart and Cycle Gear to get stuff to change the oil in the bikes.  Once the kids, in their bright red rental car joined us, it was off to Shelter Island via back roads.  The kids followed us because of an accident on the highway they wanted to avoid.  Good thing they had a red car, it was easier to see if they made it through all the lights with us.  Becca claimed I only tried to get her killed once!  Not bad.  

And we FINALLY made it to San Diego!!  2,688 miles and 12 days traveling!!

Once checked in to our hotel, it was time to do family things.  We were here for our niece's wedding after all.  We did pick Lyon back up at dinner so we could all watch the Seahawks game.  Saturday morning saw us making our way to our friend Bob's house, for oil changes and visiting.  Once back at the hotel time was spent doing laundry and visiting with family.  That evening the reception was a blast!!  Great job Rachael and Courtney!

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