
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

2017 Fall Trip -- Rio Frio, TX

Sunday we moved to the Park View Riverside RV Park near Rio Frio TX.  Here is the link to google maps.

 On the above map, the dark blue is the route with the motorhome, the yellow is day one and the pink is day 2 on the bikes.
 Once we got set up, the local wild kitties came out to visit. Aren't they cute?
Although I could bride them with food to get close, they were too afraid to let us touch them.
 The park is located on the Rio Frio
I can imagine what it would be like on a hot summer day
Look at the size of the trees
 Now that is an Odd Duck
 I love this tree
Look how large the trunk is
The next morning we got up and went for a ride.
The original route I had planned took us to Magers Crossing
 We had to check out the surface to see if it was slick
 The car made it look easy
 But the green slime had us deciding to go around on regular roads
We headed out past the town of Leakey to ride the Twisted Sisters, three twisty roads in the area
We stopped at a number of makers, learning about cemeteries, massacres and pioneer routes 
 Two of the  Twisted Sisters had these kinds of signs.  Yes it made us extra careful

 We stopped at one of the few over looks
 We were back on a fork of the Guadalupe River
We finished by coming in on the same roads we had with the coach the day before.

 Day two had us go south to Uvalde. We were definitely out of hill country.  Here was the flat sagebrush land that I think of as Texas.
At Uvalde we turned north and continued on our circle.  This is the last part of our Texas ride.  From here we are moving to Carlsbad New Mexico to meet friends and explore the caverns.

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