
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crooked River Ranch to Minden, Nevada – October 23-25, 2012

Tuesday: Travel Day
In preparation of going full-time one of the things we had to figure out was how to have internet wherever we went.  We looked into a roof satellite dish (too big and too much $$ for us) and Verizon Mobile Hotspots (only work when you have cell service).  We decided to go with the hotspot.  It means that we won’t always be able to post every day, but when we do have service it seems to work pretty well. Then the battery wouldn’t hold a charge so a stop at the Verizon store in Redmond had to happen before we left town. According to the guy at Verizon, you can’t use a twelve volt (car) charger with the hot spot.  Something about how they ‘slam’ power into the battery.  Who knew? I had planned on using the 12 volt all the time because we don’t usually have shore power (110).  We do have solar power and an inverter, so I guess we will have to use that system whenever we need to charge that puppy.

Once on the road, we headed south on 97.  We had hoped to stop at the Paulina Lakes area, but it was snowing when we came through.  Too cold for me to get out and hike around. We went through several little snow showers as we headed south.  Just past La Pine we caught SR 31 and headed toward Paisley.  We saw a hot spring listed on the map at Summer Lake and decided to check it out.  It had snowed here last night, but most of it was gone, just cold still.

The hot spring had a campground attached, so we stayed here last night. At $40 per night, it was a little spendy for the location, but it included unlimited soaks.  The pool is concrete and inside a tin building.  Not as big as Burgdorf and not as warm. We decided to leave this morning without a second soak, just not warm enough for us.

Indoor hot springs
Nice size pool, just not warm enough
 Wednesday: Travel Day

We spent the day heading south; doesn’t that mean that we should be getting warmer? Not today.  Yesterday when it was snowing it didn’t stick to anything.  Today there was enough snow that the snow plows were out to clear the slush off the side of the roads.  There were even a couple places where only the two-tracks where the tires rode were clear of snow.  This is not what we signed up for.  We had hoped to spend the night near Susanville California, with a dual sport or truck tour of Lassen Volcanic Park.  We saw all the snow in that direction and decided to continue on toward Reno.  At 4:30 we pulled into Nevada at the Bordertown RV Resort.  No hot spring, but for less than we paid last night, it is a nice clean modern park with full hook ups.  It also has hot showers, Wi-Fi, laundry room and a casino.  After all it is Nevada!

Today we stopped in at Dirt Tricks/Ironman Sprockets in Minden NV.   Minden is located just south of Carson City.  Several years ago at the Idaho summer ride we camped and rode with one of the guys from there, Greg, and Wayne has worked with Nate over the phone and email.  Wayne's used their sprockets on many of our bikes. We stopped in because they had both mentioned that they ride right out of the shop.  Riding areas often have camping areas and we were tired of RV parks.  We keep the cats in the coach when we are in heavily populated areas such as parks and some campgrounds.  They hate it; they like to go outside particularly at dusk and dawn. People wonder how we can just let them out when we usually camp in the forest or dessert, typically mentioning coyotes and other critters.  Actually we are more worried about people; someone seeing them and thinking they have been abandoned and then taking them home.

Andy in Camp

Bailey at a pond

 After Greg and Nate gave us a tour of the machine shop, plans were made for Greg to take Wayne riding on Sunday, Nate has other commitments.  They also showed us good camping by using Google Earth, boy we like technology, eh? We found a campsite on BLM Land and set up camp.  Wayne worked on bike maintenance and I went into Minden to pick up our mail and new spark plugs for the motorhome. 


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