
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

June 18, 2016 - North to Alaska Day 12

With the Dust to Dawson Event over, it is time to continue on to Fairbanks.  At least for 4 of us. Lyon, Bob and Cindy decided that the weather was going to hold long enough for them to do the Dempster  Highway to Inuvik. It is about 460 miles of dirt highway, one way.  If Wayne's sprocket wasn't in such bad shape I think we would have gone with them.  But we chose to go to Fairbanks, where parts are waiting for us.
 Dave, Ken, Wayne and I headed out about 9 am, to cross the Yukon River on the Ferry.  The Top of the World Highway is paved for the first little bit, then it is dirt most of the way to the border crossing.  The weather is dry, so the road is in pretty good shape, just a little snow along the sides. The worst part was right before the border.  The gravel was real deep and the wind was blowing hard.  I figured it would be bad form to go down right in front of the border guards, but it was a little icky right there! In all the years that I have been using a passport to go to Mexico and Canada, this was the very first time I got ait stamped!!!  Go figure! Once in the US we had brand new pavement for about 10 miles, then it was back to dirt and deteriorating pavement to Chicken AK.
 Chicken is literally a wide spot in the road, but a necessary gas stop, plus they had coffee!!  Then it was mostly paved to the junction with the Alaska Highway, where we turned right and headed to Tok for lunch.
Yes, Thai Food in Tok, AK. And it was good!!!
 From Tok we headed north to Delta Junction.  Along the way we saw 4 moose.  Figures, as soon as Lyon has left us, we start seeing critters!  In Delta we talked to a local and she sent us out to the Clearwater State Park.
 It was a great campground.  The ground was soft enough to push the tent stakes in with our thumbs!
 Wayne, Ken and Dave walking down to the Clearwater River to check it out
 A great place to hang out
People were all around, fishing and enjoying the river on a warm afternoon.  Wayne said that the temps were around 78 most of the day.  The sun is still not really setting, I love all the daylight!

Critter count: 4 moose and 2 fox
295 miles

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