
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, July 22, 2016

June 28, 2016 North to Alaska Day 22

We got up again to very overcast skies.  No rain last night, but it looks like it could anytime.  We decided to eat breakfast out, so we left the park a little early.  It was a really quite place, we all slept really good.  As we were leaving a saw a figure in the distance, thinking it was one of the campers out for a walk, until it turned sideways.  It was a very young moose.  Mom had to be really close.  We stopped and waited for him to amble into the brush before we continued on.
Homer with the glacier across the bay
Our first stop after breakfast was the Wildlife Research visitor center. It is free to the public, with really cool exhibits and lots of great information. They even show a short movie showing their research boat and the work they are doing on the islands.
Check out the bicycle racks!!!
From there we headed east on the East End Rd.  This road goes out to the east end of Kachemak Bay.  In 2007 when Lyon was here he followed it out until it became dirt. Because of the street bike he was on didn't have dirt tires, he opted to turn around.  This time we went out on the dirt.
We followed it down, past the sign that warns that pedestrian will be on the road, to a corner where we could look out.
The road continued down a little farther to the beach, but was getting too steep and loose to take the bikes.  Too heavy to pick up if any of us when down.

From there it was back to Homer and the highway, where we turned north and headed to Anchor Point.
Photo thanks to Lyon
The Anchor River comes in here.  It is a great fishing location for man, bear and eagles.
The site does not lend itself to boat launches, so that is left to the tractors.
They leave the trailers on the beach with a number on it.  When you return you radio in your trailer number, and they come and get you.
They back it out into the surf
And you drive onto your trailer
Then they bring you up to the parking area.
After Anchor Point we continue north to the Seward Highway.  We head south on it to Seward.  We camp at an RV Park just out of town.  Then go in to find the aquarium and diner.
We had heard that the SeaLife Center was worth the time and cost, but I think the free center in Homer was better.
Although they had live critters here
And a bird house were you could get up close and personal with a puffin
This guy loves to play with the kids in the underwater viewing area.
From here we went to the brewery for dinner.  The beer was OK but the food was not near as good as what we have been finding.

We then went back to camp.  We have an early morning tomorrow, we have a ferry to catch!

No rain today!
Critter Count:  1 moose
about 10 eagles
captive critters in the aquarium
222 miles

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