
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, August 3, 2018

A Wales of a Good Time, Part 4

Thursday, July 5, 2018

We got up and on the road early today, as we had a big day planned.  In fact it turned out to be 243 miles by the time we got back to David's house.
 We started by driving to the walled city of Tenby. The castle and walls were built in the 13th century. Inside the walls is a really cool, tightly packed little town.
 At the port we got on a boat, headed to Caldey Island.
 We went past the ruins of the castle on our way
 This is the rescue boat, ready to be deployed to help with emergencies at sea 
 We arrived on the island on one of the sand beaches.
 The post office and Museum for Caldey Island. This island has be inhabited sine the Stone Age and has been home to various orders of monks since Celtic times.  It is now owned by monks of the Cistercian Order.
 One of the many chapels on the island
 Either the tower or the building is leaning.
 We walked out to the opposite side of the island to the lighthouse.
 The lighthouse
 The view from that end of the island. Besides the natural beauty and hiking on the island, the monks that live there make and sell chocolate and Perfumes.
 We then headed back to the boat, stopping at the beach so Wayne could check the water temp.
 The tide had changed, so instead of returning to the dock at the harbor, we ended up at the beach.
 Next we headed to the most western point of Wales, St. Davids. It is the smallest city in the UK in terms of size and population.  To be a city in the 16th century, you must have a cathedral.  It was originally a monastic community.  Between 645 and 1097 in was raided by many, including the Vikings. It survived and housed many of the highly sought after religious, intellectual minds of that time.  The cathedral was started in 1181 and is still in use and is beautiful.
This 13th century Bishops Palace is maintained and open to the public for tours. We got there too late to go in, as usual.
This is the celiling of one of the wings of the cathedral
We have been in many churches, abbeys and cathedrals on this trip, this is the first time I have heard the organ actually being played.  It was wonderful.
We then headed home, stopping by Fishguard Bay
Wayne found a friend
We had a nice walk at Fishguard Bay to stretch our legs before getting back in the car for the long ride home.  It was another great day!

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