
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Wales of a Good Time, Part 5

Friday, July 6, 2018

It's our last day in Wales. David, Wayne and I go to Cardiff to see the sights.
We start with a bus tour of town and checked out the architecture and history.
Cardiff City Hall
Cardiff City Hall
The Boer War Memorial
Clock Tower of Cardiff City Hall
Interesting architecture 
The bus brought us back to the Cardiff Castle, which was our next stop
The keep on the hill in Cardiff Castle
One of the gate houses.You can walk on the top of the castle wall, or you can walk inside the wall itself. We did some of each.  During WWII the castle walls were used as air raid shelters and provided safe spaces for hospital staff to help.
The front of the keep on the hill. Yes we climbed to the top.  More circular steps, oh joy!
The grounds contain a manor house.  We were able to view a couple of the rooms.

The castle clock tower
The outside view of the manor house with the City Hall Clock Tower in the background.
After the castle we went to see one of the few transporter bridges that is still in operation.
The gondola can hold 6 cars at a time, and lots of walk on passengers.  We rode over and back for the fun of it.
We thought about climbing the tower because they let you walk across, but it was really windy so we passed.
From there we went to my cousin Kim's Alpaca Farm.  This time she was there.
She currently has more than 90 of the little cuties, counting the babies.
Me and my cousin Kim with one of the few that will let strangers touch her.
Wayne made another friend
The babies are so cute!!!

From here we returned to David's house to spend our last night with him, his son Jack and Jack's girlfriend Jasmine, Louise and Morgan. We had a wonderful time, drank too many adult beverages and stayed up late talking.

Saturday morning my other cousin Andy drove down and picked us up and hauled us back to his house in Loggerheads.  We spent Sunday repacking and trying to make room for all our new stuff. Early Monday Andy took us back to the Manchester Airport where we were suppose to depart at 10 am. We actually didn't get in the air until 1;15 PM.  With the 8 hour time change and about a 9 hour flight we arrived in Vancouver at 2:30, about 2 hours behind schedule.  Good thing our train wasn't until 5:45.  We had time to get through customs, find some food and catch a cab to the train station. The train trip south to Everett was a little behind schedule, but John and Cheri were waiting for us, so all was good.  When we got to the motorhome we quickly got the coach opened back up. We have now been awake for 24 hours, it was time to sleep!

It was a wonderful trip, the trip of a lifetime. I wonder where the next adventure will take us? I'm sure the next one will be on bikes, but even without them this trip was a winner!

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