
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

January in Quartzsite AZ - Part 1

Sunrise in Quartzsite
It took us 5 days to make the trip from Seattle to Quartzsite, but we got to spend 2 nights with friends we usually only see in the summer, that was a bonus!! Once we got to Quartzsite it was time to settle down and to Wayne that means it’s time to start working on all the bikes.  He had his Gas-Gas in Seattle when we when home, and rode at ‘The Facility’ at Brady’s house.  This place eats up bikes and spits them out.  Wayne’s is no exception. It seemed like he had one or the other of his bikes torn apart for the next month.  It was so cold when we first got to Arizona, but he was out there working on a bike, wearing a coat and ear muffs in the cold.  We did take one day to run down to Yuma to start on my dental work.   It would take 2 more trips to get it finished. After a whole week of really cold weather, Cindy and Bob arrived, bringing warmer weather with them.  We are very lucky to have friends who own property in Quartzsite, with room for us to stay, and the hook-ups to make it comfortable.

On January 19th, we drove to Peoria to watch the WORCs off-road motorcycle race. We didn’t know it yet, but the mechanical problems we had with the truck that day would be just a preview of what was to come.  We took State Route 60 through Wickenburg to get to the track.  On the way the truck overheated because of a broken fitting on the radiator.  After a quick detour to O’Reilly’s for parts and a stop to add more water; we continued on to the race. 
 Our friend Brady was there helping RPM Racing pit for the KTM riders. It was a pretty small showing of riders and spectators. The weather was warm and the sky was blue, what more could we ask for.
Pit row
The race was held at a motocross track north of Phoenix.  The 3 mile course started on the track before heading off the track and over the hill into the wash. After roaming around in and out of the wash the course headed back on the track and out the other side to hit a long straightaway for a high speed section before coming back onto the MX track.  We spent a great afternoon walking around the track watching the race action.
First on the track
Out to the wash

Through the wash


Back up on the track

Through the track and onto the pits
We also spent some time in the pit with Brady who was down from Washington to pit for the RPM/KTM team.  It was just not my day (soon to turn into “Not our month', then "Not our winter”) because without warning, my camera’s programing went nuts.  It wouldn’t take pictures and when I turned it off, the lens would close and then open again, with an error message stating to turn off and then on again to restart.  It would be more than a month before I finally replaced my camera. Good thing my phone has a camera!
Wayne and Brady in the Pits.
Time out for a little ranting and raving…
We found these two cacti as we headed out of the wash area. I am so tired of hearing the environmentalists whine about man interfering with nature.  They want everything left alone, as it was.  So why are they out here interfering with the cycle of life?  Or did these grow their own 2X4's?  I bet when a cactus falls over and dies, other animals move in and use it for food and shelter.  So what are they thinking??? Not only that, but they weren't very successful in their efforts.

Really? Can't we let nature take its course?

All that effort for nothing, Mother Nature wins in the end!


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