
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 16, 2013 – Sonoran Desert Museum

On Saturday we took a drive to the Desert Museum.  The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is a 98-acre museum and zoo founded in 1952 and located near Tucson, Arizona. It contains a museum and two miles of walking paths on 21 acres of this property, and is one of the most visited attractions in Tucson.

Organ Pipe Cactus

We had to make a stop at the Hummingbird House. It is so cool to be in a confined space with a bunch of people friendly hummers.  They fly all over the place.  Several were nesting.  They have very tiny nests. 
Not sure what kind of cactus this is, but they have very sharp spines.


At this point I found out how long my new camera battery will last.  Not long enough!!  We walked all the trails in the museum, and saw the Raptors in Free Flight.  That was my favorite part.  Those birds are so cool. 
We also saw something I’ve never seen in the desert, Javelinas.  Of course this group was just sleeping in the shade.

This is what they look like, big hairy pig-types.  Wayne has seen them in the wild. In fact most of what we saw at the Museum, we see all time out riding. It’s too bad more people can’t get out and see these things in nature.  It was really kind of sad to see it so regulated and regimented.  Although having signs label all the vegetation by name was kind of handy.
After the museum we drove out through the Tucson Mountain Park back to I-10 and headed to Picacho Peak. 
Sunday we went back up to Wickenburg to have the mechanic take a look at the new engine, Wayne thought something wasn’t right.  He was correct and we had to spend a couple days while they got the parts and took care of the issue.  Then it was back to Quartzsite to finish out our time in Arizona.  We did take one ride in the desert, but I forgot to take my camera.  Lately we have been riding our bicycles far more often than our motorcycles.  Oh well, all is good!
Next stop Nevada!  We hope to do some riding there.


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