
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 4, 2013 More Bad Luck

This is really not our year. If you haven’t already, check out our post titled “If Not for Bad Luck.” The answer to the question at the end, “will this ever end?” is apparently a big fat NO!

When we went to Tucson after picking up the coach in February, we had issues with the motorhome. We decided to continue on to Tucson before returning to Wickenburg to have the motor (the new motor) looked at.  While in Tucson, the DirecTV receiver decided to malfunction, so we did not have satellite TV. Our electronic issues continued as my computer and tablet refused to talk to my hot spot.
When we got to Wickenburg, it turned out that the cam sensor was getting wiped out by a gear on the cam that was incorrect, and we spent 3 nights at the shop again. Chevy picked up the tab this time. While there I had to take my laptop in to get all the viruses removed.

So with the coach working again we headed back to Quartzsite to spend the rest of March with Bob and Cindy, Sue and Jerry and Bill and Kris. We had a new receiver sent from DirecTV, only to have our TV pitch a fit and die.  We took a day and drove to Avondale to pick up a new TV.
Following Wayne, once again
Broke down on the side of the road, again...
The end of the season has come, and we left Quartzsite on April 2nd.  As we headed into Nevada the coach began to run really badly and it once again set the Oxygen Sensor code with the Check Engine light. We contacted the shop, and they felt it might be injectors. So we called around and found some at a Chevy dealer in Vegas. We managed to limp the coach up to Railroad Pass and spent the night in the casino parking lot. We had a 9 am appointment at the Chevy dealer to install injectors, if that is what tested defective.  They kept it all day and decided they couldn’t find any reason for the code (no one has yet to figure that one out), and that plugs and wires were the reason for it running rough.  Really?  Plug wires? The plugs were new with the motor, but the wires had just been replaced when we were in Minden in November so Terry reused them.  We lucked out; the dealership didn’t charge us for the diagnosis.  Saved us some money there; I think they felt sorry for us because we were still having problems with this brand new motor.   Of course they did want to charge us $500 for a new set of wires, installed.  And those were stock wires, and we have now melted 2 sets of regular wires, so we opted to order high temp wires from O’Reilly's. 

We couldn’t get the wires until the next morning which meant we were limping the coach to a RV park, Arizona Charlie's.  Once there we used the time to run errands.  In the morning we drove to O’Reilly's at about 8:15.  As we are going down the road, Wayne says “Hey something is not right in the back of the truck.  We only have one bicycle.”  Yep, someone had lifted Wayne’s bike during the night.  I was really surprised because I had reminded him to lock them up before we left Quartzsite.  Good thing is was his bike they took and not mine!! Plus he’s been checking Craig’s list for mountain bikes for a couple of months now.
My bike is very lonely now
After picking up the plug wires, Wayne installed them. He found that one of the existing wires was not firmly attached to the plug and was probably the issue.  At 9:15 we had a phone interview with Amazon.com to work as part of their Camperforce.  Amazon hires ‘mature’ labor for the busy season – October to Christmas.  The pay is ok, but they also pick up the cost of your RV spot for the whole time.  We figure we’ll try it this year, it could be a hoot!  And with the year we’re having, spare cash is always a good thing. After all we are still planning a trip to Florida the following January-March, 2014.

After the call we headed to Discount Tire to get new tires for the truck I drive.  I didn’t realize how worn the tires were, after all we got them in 2011.  But it turns out we had put 40,000 + miles on them!  And one had a screw in it.  I feel safer now.
After getting tires on we headed to the Costco Gas station to top off the coach.  As we finished Wayne got some good news, the cylinder he had sent to Kustom Kraft in Henderson to get recoated was done and we could pick it up.  Good, maybe the Gas-Gas will be up and running again soon.  Yeah!

We had planned to go to Caleinte NV to ride, but with all the delays we decided to bag that idea and headed out highway 95.  Bob was waiting for us in Beatty.  As we pulled in Wayne was complaining that the coach was missing again.  So he got underneath and found a different wire had come off and melted on the hot motor. Good thing he had kept some of the other wires as spares!
So I ask again…  Will this ever end???

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