
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March 27-30, 2014 - St Augustine, FL

On Thursday we said good-bye to Linda and headed north on I-95. We had one more stop to make in Florida; St Augustine, the oldest continuously occupied European-established settlement and port in the continental United States.  I know, you thought that title went to Jamestown Virginia, but that was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas.  Florida was settled by the Spanish and belonged to Spain until 1763 when it was transferred to British rule for 20 years.  The Treaty of Paris in 1783 ended war and recognized our independence, and Florida was given back to Spain in their help during the war.
Wayne and I took 2 days to drive the 279 miles to Indian Forest Campground in St Augustine. We were told by  the campground staff that the Trolley Company would send a shuttle to pick us up at the campground!  What service and considering that rain was due, it was really appreciated.
On Saturday we started our day with a tour of the Old Jail. The guide stayed in character as he inducted us into the jail and showed us around.

Is this where the term jailbird originated?
Next we went to the oldest store
This store keeper had a price for everything, and it would be delivered in 2 weeks…
The rain made an appearance, but the nice trolley company gave us these highly attractive logo ponchos
And it rained some more
One of our stops was the Castillo de San Marcos.
It is the oldest masonry fort in the US.
Boom!  The re-enactors shoot the cannon
The outside walls
After touring the Castillo we headed back to the Old Jail to catch our shuttle back to camp.  Tomorrow would be another travel day and there was much to be done before we got on the road.

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