
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

2017 Fall Trip -- Lumberton, TX

On Wednesday we moved the 300+ miles southwest to our friends in Lumberton, TX.  It was so nice to spend the holiday with friends.

 We started our day with a walk, as a food coma and football would be on the schedule for the rest of the day!

 There is a small lake down the road 

On Friday, Doug and Janet, Wayne, Woody and I went for a ride to Galveston for lunch.  We headed south from Lumberton, hit the gulf and headed west.
 Twenty eight miles later we were at the ferry dock
 For those Puget Sounders, the ferries are free!
 Doug's neighbor Woody rides a Harley, we let him ride with us anyway!
 Doug said this line of tankers can stretch out as much as 20 miles.  They are full of oil from the off shore platforms but the refinery tanks are full.
 This hopper dredge is the Glenn Edwards out of Seattle WA.  It uses a trailing suction hopper dredge to remove silt from the waterway channels.
 Galveston in the distance.  What a beautiful day for a ride.
 The Strand is a section of old town just off the wharf.  Lunch was at the Hubcap Grill.

We left the island on the I-45 bridge and through the massive oil refineries. We tried to walk the boardwalk at Kemah, but at $8 a bike for parking, we decided to pass.
However we did stop in a no parking zone long enough to take a picture of the wooden coaster and watch one group scream their way through!  What fun!

We worked our way through Baytown and edged around Houston on the east.  At Dayton we turned east and headed back to to Doug and Janet's house, arriving just as darkness fell.

We had a wonderful visit with friends and a great ride.  Thanks so much, Doug and Janet.

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