
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

October 2015 -- Idaho City

After Fairfield, we moved to Idaho City for a few weeks. We like to spend part of the fall there visiting our friends, catching up with doctor visits and of course, doing some riding.

 We rode to Deadwood Reservoir and stopped at the dam for lunch
 The view from the top
 It's a bigger dam than I realized
 The water level is a little low

 Fall colors 
 Wayne riding through the color
 Check out the weird growth on this tree!
 More fall color
A stop at the Boise River

 Other friends from Washington joined us for a week
 The view from the Hawley Mountain Road
 View from the top
 John, Michele and Walt on the top of Hawley Mountain
 Wayne at the top
 John, JD and Wayne at the lookout at the top
 Walt at lunch
This is the Grimes Pass Road.  This is a view of it that I have never had before. Usually this is the route we take, over the pass and down this twisty road when we go to Garden Valley/Crouch for lunch.  This time we took the high road between Grimes Pass and Alder Pass which allowed us to have this view!

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