
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

October 2015 -- Utah

This year we decided to go south to Arizona through Utah, which we haven't done since we moved away from Salt Lake City in 2012. I wanted to ride part of the Utah Backcountry Discovery Route so we decided to camp in Green River where the UBDR and the Trans America Trail cross.

 We set up camp at the AOK RV Park in Green River.
 The first day had us going south out of town past the airport and out the Old Highway 24; also called the Old Hanksville Highway, headed to join Section 3 of the Utah Backcountry Discovery Route.
 I love the colors in the hills in that part of Utah 
 It had been raining before we got to Green River.  Day 1 was cut short when we found our route to be too slimy and slick. So we headed back to camp. Wayne had to power wash the bikes because the clay-type mud clung to our bikes.  It was awful conditions. I'd put down my foot to keep from falling down, then try to put my foot on my pegs.  It felt like I had 6" of mud o the bottom of my boots!

It rained hard all night so riding was out again.  This time we got in the car and went for a drive. We planned a loop through Hanksville and Capital Reef National Park.
The red desert west of Hanksville
Love the rocks in this area
We had lunch in Loa, then went north on Highway 72 to I-70.  Once on the interstate, we traveled across the San Rafael Swell to the edge of the Reef.
Wayne headed to check out the view
We spent one day road riding, due to wet conditions, but then we finally did our ride following Section 3 of the UBDR. We followed our original route from day one, then continued on the UBDR up Cottonwood Wash. Once we got around Cedar Mtn, we came across 2 guys from Vancouver BC who have been following first the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route, and now the Utah BDR. They carry a lot of stuff on their bikes, including a rear tire each!

We continued around the loop until we got close to Price and then we got onto Highway 6 for the 33 miles back south to I-70. It was a lot of pavement, but I couldn't find any dirt that paralleled the highway.
The next day we moved to Moab to visit with friends and do some more riding.  But the rain was back, it rained all night long.  So we did another car trip. We started by going south of town on US 191 to the junction with SR 46. 
Then we went east into Colorado on SR 141, where we had lunch in Naturita. We followed 141 to US 491 which took us in to Monticello, UT. 
Then it was north on US 191, heading back to Moab.
Interesting rock formation, looks like an arch in maybe a million years or so...
Wilson Arch

More cool rock formations

 This used to be the Christensen's house.  You can tour it by entering through the gift store on the left.
These windows allow for an amazing amount of daylight to come in
Cool jeep, bet it took a long time to create 

"A lot of bull"
Made of golf clubs

I wish I could find one of these for sale, I know just where to put it.  At Chamberlin's in Quartzsite
The weather got better all day, so it looks like we can ride tomorrow.  

The UBDR actually has 3 different routes that end (or start, depending on whether you are going north to south or south to north) in Moab.
The red track is the expert only route which follows the Lock Hart Basin road. The purple track is the Winter Around the La Sal Mountains Alternate. The green is the main UBDR route.    

We started on the red-expert only route going south, caught the regular route going back north.
Due to the snow on the La Sal Mountains, we opted to take the winter alternate.
The road along Kane Creek
Overlook on Kane Springs Road
Views from the Lock Hart Rd
                                                        Views from the Lock Hart Rd
Views from the Lock Hart Rd
Views of the basin
Views from the Lock Hart Rd
Views from the Lock Hart Rd
Beautiful country

Outrageous rocks
Wayne  headed into one of the canyons near Indian Creek
Wayne said that the last time he was here this trailer was upright and in good condition. People have no respect.....

Lunch at the Lockhart Canyon Rd
We eventually got to SR 211, which took us past Newspaper Rock and through this cottonwood canyon before we joined the regular BDR route.
That took us to the North Flats Rd and onto US 191 for a short bit.
From the highway we went east on Steens Rd.past the old mining area
Check out the mine shaft
Old mine site
Then we joined the Homestake Rd, which we followed to county roads, then onto SR 46 to the Browns Hole Rd. We continued on to Pole Canyon Rd until we got back on US 191 and back to camp.
The next day we headed south on US 191 through Monticello, Tuba City, Flagstaff and Williams on our way to Quartzsite AZ. Our timing was good as the week after this, snow fell in the mountains around Flagstaff. Good thing we were through the mountains before that happened.

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