
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Monday, June 25, 2018

A Week In Ireland, Part 1

Sunday, June 24, 2018

We got up early and Andy was kind enough to take us to Holyhead Wales to catch the ferry to Dublin. Traffic was extremely light so no worries.
 Once all the foot passengers arrived, they loaded us onto a bus and drove us down to the ferry.  I thought they were going to drive right onto the boat, but no we all got off and walked on.
 Big boat, like the Alaska Ferries
 And we are off.  It was the fast ferry, so only 2 hours rather than 3.25. We were there before we knew it.
 A quick cab to the hotel, then a walk around town.  Look what we found!
 We took the tour. A free tasting is involved.  Yes I did try the beer....
 Wayne even learned how to pull the perfect pint of Guiness, and there is an art to it.
Then we walked around Dublin and had dinner in the Temple Bar area. What a vibrant place. We crossed back across the River Liffey and headed back to our hotel.

Monday June 25, 2018

 We had time in the morning so after breakfast we went for a walk in Phoenix Park, the largest enclosed city park in any capitol city in Europe

 The Wellington Monument.  This huge obelisk is over 200 feet tall and commemorates the victories of Authur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington.
 This is part of a Victorian garden in the park
 Then we got on the GoBus.ie and went across to Galway to meet our tour.  The bus was so full, we couldn't even sit together.
We got settled in our hotel and when we got to the local mini market, look what brand coffee we can get !!!!

We met with the rest of our tour at the welcome dinner.  Plans are made for tomorrow!! And I didn't have to make any of them myself.  Wow, what a way to have a vacation.

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