
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, June 29, 2018

A Week In Ireland, Part 4

Thursday - June 28, 2018

 Today we are exploring County Cork.  We started at the Cobh (Cove) Heritage Centre. Cobh played a huge part of all Irish emigration, whether on the slave ships which took Catholics and convicts out of Ireland and into indentured servitude (a pretty way of saying slavery) ordered by James Cromwell; or because of the Great Famine or just the poor economy.
 3 million people emigrated out of Ireland through this port.
 On January 1, 1892, Ellis Island processed its first emigrant Annie Moore and her 2 brothers. Their parents had come to the US the year before, leaving their older children in Ireland with family until they could save enough to pay for their passage.
 Then it was off to Cork for lunch
 On our way to Kinsale for dinner we stopped at Charles Fort and learned about life as a
British soldier. This is about the same age at the fort in St. Augustine FL.  It is also the same shape, star shaped.
 What a great view.  Our local guide did a great job and we learned alot.
 It is really in pretty good shape, even though it was burned down at one point when the British were afraid that the Irish would use it to revolt.
 Then it was off to Kinsale for dinner.  What we didn't know is that the entire town was having a power outage.  Our tour director did a great job of finding one of the few restaurants that had a generator so we could eat.  Then it was off to walk around this old fishing village.
 Would you trust this hitch when pulling your trailer????
 The local catholic church

 This building was used for many things, including a jail.
The bay at Kinsale
Friday, June 29, 2018

Today we moved to Dublin, and our hotel in Dun Laoghaire, pronounced as Dun Leery. Unfortunately my phone took a dive and I am without a camera.  I will try to get something up and working, but for now it looks like my Kindle Fire is it and it doesn't take very good photos so we'll see if it works.    

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