
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Oh My!! Part 9

Wednesday & Thursday May 23-24, 2018

 My cousin Andy took Wayne and me on a 2 day tour of northern Wales.  We left Loggerheads around 9 and headed towards Wales.  Our first stop was at Whittington Castle.
 A small tower along the way
Wayne in front of the gatehouse of Whittington Castle
 This is all that is left of the buildings, as over the years owners have utilized the stones for other projects.
The castle was first fortified as a tower castle for William Perevel in 1138. It changed hands multiple times in the following decades.  In 1223 it was rebuilt as a Motte and Bailey style castle(one with buildings around the curtain wall, five towers and surrounded by a moat). Wars and time have taken their toll.

One of the most prominent legends concerning Whittington Castle regards the Marian Chalice, thought by some to be the Holy Grail.  According to this legend, the great grandson of Payne Peveril was one of the guardians of the Grail and King Arthur.

It is amazing to be driving along and spot a castle ruin in the distance.  This is Dolwyddelan Castle.  It had two towers, but one collapsed in the early 1800's.
We continued on through Slate mining country.
 Soon we were at Harlech Castle.

 It was built by Edward I during his invasion of Wales between 1282 and 1289 at the substantial cost of £ 8,190.
 You can walk all around the castle
 Andy and me checking out a small tower

 Then it was up the narrow steps to walk the wall
 Some of the castle is crumbling away
 The view to the sea
 The towers were all labled
The views were amazing
 Then Wayne and I went to the top of the Southwest turret of the gatehouse and looked down on the wall.

 The steps to the tower are actually wider now then when built.  Notice the two tone steps.  You can tell where modern machinery has been used to grind the stones and pillar. I had to use my phone's flashlight to see my way.
This is a model that shows the castle as it was. One major difference is the sea level was much closer to the castle 900 years ago.

Such a neat place

After lunch we headed to Portmeirion, which was built between 1925 and 1975 in the style of an Italian village. It's a destination hotel, and a great way to wander away an afternoon.

 It is built along the cliffs
 With colorful buildings
 And even palm trees
 The resort was built for the wealthy to while away their holiday.  This boat allowed them to pretent to have a drink on the sea.  It's actually part of the patio.
We walked along the sea, 
 then into the forest and back to the entrance.
 Where ice cream was calling our names
 Wales is bilingual.  It looks like a mouthful of a language to learn. 
Along with the Italian village, they built in miniature castle which is used as a dining venue.
 We spent a bit in Porthmadoc, a small Welsh village
 We spent the night in Beddgelert at the Royal Goat Hotel.

 Beautiful country side
 The next morning we headed towards Mt Snowden.  We were early for our train ride, so we took a quick trip to Caernarfon Castle
It is a brute of a fortress, very intimidating to oncoming forces
 Instead of round towers, this are polygonal 
 Then it was off to catch our train!! It was a one hour ride up to the top, 30 minutes for the view, then another hour down.  Of course many people walk up, but we're too old for that!!
The very top of Mt Snowdon is at 3559' elevation. These steps were a bit exposed for me!!
 Wayne and Andy at the top! The only time it has rained when we were out and about was at the top of the mountain. Then it was hot drinks before we caught our ride down.
 This guy wasn't impressed with the train
 Old house along the tracks
The top is above the tree line, but the station was down below. 
A slower mode of transportation
After the train we went to Swallow Falls.  Check out the cool hotel

Wayne at the falls
Then we were on the road again
Picturesque bridge
A little tea house by the bridge
Then a drive through Conwy Castle, currently under restoration
This is another massive castle, complete with the town inside what is left of its walls.
You travel through the gates in numerous places
Another neat old town, Llandudno
Our last stop was in the village of Bodelwyddan.  This castle has been restored and is now a hotel and spa.
St Margaret's church is in pristine condition.  It is home of a military cemetery where many of the Canadian solders are interred.  Many Canadians survived WWI only to come back to Britain for 30 days before heading back home. Disease and riots took many lives.  It is so sad.
This is a massive field construction of Peter Rabbit at one of the dairy farms. We've been by a couple of times. So interesting. Then it was on to home.  A long two days (281 miles) and a wonderful time was had!!

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