
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 1, 2016 North to Alaska Day 25

Rain, rain and more rain.  It poured hard during the night, until about 3 am.  Soon the birds were singing, and I could hear Ken up and around. He told us his hip was so bad during the night that he has decided to stop camping.  He was doing much better while we were apart and he was sleeping in hotels rather than on the ground.  Knowing how hard it would be to coordinate him in a hotel in with the campers, he has decided to head home.  He will begin the day with us, but he won't stop in Tok, but continue on. It is sad, because today is the day the rest of the group will rejoin us for the final leg of our journey.

We packed up under partly cloudy skies and continued northeast towards Tok. Along the way a moose and her two babies crossed the highway in front of us. The frost heaves were numerous today. We had to really be aware and keep our speeds down.  We all had tales to tell of at least one surprise today.

We arrived at the Thompson's Eagle's Claw Motorcycle Park before noon.  This campground/hostel is designed for campers with motorcycles, bicycles and backpacks.  It is not designed for cars, trailers or motorhomes.  Along with great campsites there are also some indoor sleeping available.  You can sleep in the bunk house, a cabin, the wall tent, a teepee or the ambulance.
 Lyon and Dave will have the wall tent and Cindy and Bob have the cabin and Wayne and I picked out a tent site.  Then it was into town to find lunch (Thai food again) and oil so that Wayne can change the oil in his bike.  The campground has a work shop, which Wayne took advantage of.
At about 2:00 Bob and Cindy arrived, and at 3 Dave rolled up.  Now the six of us are back together and ready to go!!!

Critter Count: 3 moose
126 miles

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