
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, July 22, 2016

June 26, 2016 North to Alaska Day 20

We woke up to beautiful blue skies, but we knew that wasn't going to last.  Today Lyon, Wayne and I are headed to Tolkeetna to take a ride on a float plane. Ken, who has his pilots licence decided that he would rather go to Anchorage where he has a motel reserved.  His hip is really bothering him and sleeping in a real bed probably sounds really good. 
So we say good-bye and the three of us head off...into the rain. Looking at the weather apps, it looks like we might miss it, but no, it rains on us about half of the time.  We end up being early, so we go to the Flying Squirrel Cafe for coffee and lunch. Then it is off to take our ride.
Lyon, Wayne and I in front of our ride
So excited to be able to go on something like this
The lake is very smooth, so it's hard to tell when we actually lift off.
We went east, toward the Tolkeetna Mountains
We were hoping for wild life
Instead we got awesome views

The clouds were high enough for us to fly along underneath
And all too soon, it was over and we were back.
Check out the tree growing out of the rood of this info kiosk 
This little rental cabin is labeled the Hobbit House.  Works for me!
After our flight we went into town to look around. We were trying to give Lyon a chance to stop bouncing round.  He had wanted to go on a float plane for so long, he was beside himself that he finally got to go!  We did some shopping and stopped for a beer for Wayne at the Denali Brewing Co.
From Tolkeetna we headed south to the small town of Willow where we stayed at the Willow Creek Recreation Area.  When we arrived, the guy parked across from us came over with a pot of coffee and 3 cups.  How wonderful!!!
I can see why this is a big fishing area.
The number of Kings is low this year, while we were there it was 'catch and release'
Wayne checking out the propaganda.

Rain today
No critters
205 miles

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