
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, July 29, 2016

July 6, 2016 North to Alaska Day 30

It rained overnight so all the gear is wet. One of the reasons we choose this RV Park in Fort Nelson was for the restaurant on site.  We took advantage of it for breakfast this morning.  Then we hit the road.  Shortly after starting we saw another black bear.
Today we will go through the Natural Gas Fields.  Although fields is not really the right word.  I guess I was expecting something like the oil fields in California, but no.  This is about 150 miles of almost straight, almost flat road that is mowed back the same as the rest of the highway, but the edges are tall trees so tightly packed together that you can't see anything.  It was the most boring stretch of road that I have ever been on.  Plus, not a single critter to break up the boredom on that stretch.
Finally we reached the cutoff before Fort St John, so we cold avoid Dawson Creek.  This took us along the Peace River, on a much more enjoyable road!
We had lunch above the river
We decided to break early, so we stopped in Hudson's Hope, where we saw this neat church.
Camp was made in one of the city campgrounds. Stopping early allowed us to dry out the gear.  Wayne and I decided to remove our cumbersome Oxford Muffs and return to regular Moose Racing hand guards.  The muffs truly did their job, keeping our hands dry, but we are hoping that we are done with that now as we are within days of being home.

Critter Count:
1 bear
1 elk (at least that's what Lyon said it was)

269 miles

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