
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

June 19, 2016 North to Alaska Day 13

We had a great night at the Clearwater State Park. Our site was huge, and was bordered by an old road.  During breakfast we had a moose trot down the trail, right there next to the tent!  Lyon, where are you??? He would be so bummed to miss it!
 After breaking camp, it will be a short ride to Faibanks.  We stopped at a small cafe for coffee and a photo opportunity.
 Our next stop was at the Knotty Shop.  The carvings and use of burls was outstanding!
 Next stop was in North Pole Alaska, which is actually south of Fairbanks!
 We passed the APL-Alaska Pipe Line on our way to Brian's house, where we will stay for the next 5 days.  Brian is one of Dave's close friends from when he lived here.  We are lucky that he has a lot of room for us!
 Brian didn't expect us until later, so once we dumped the gear we headed into town for lunch and a visit to Pioneer Park.  This was called Alaska Land when Dave lived here. Back when Fairbanks was starting to grow it's downtown, there was a movement to save the old buildings in town.  They moved a lot of them to this park.
 They also have an Air Museum here
Examples of Air Mail

From here we took a ride around town, just to look around, while we waited for Brian to get home. Wayne and I will be sleeping in the cabin, while Ken will be in the shop. Dave as the friend gets the spare room!!

Critter  Count:  3 moose
118 miles

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