
Welcome to my online journal. This is the log of our motorcycle adventures as well as camping with the Grandkids. If you would like to see more of the country, from the seats of our motorcycles, then check back anytime!

Friday, July 22, 2016

June 27, 2016 North to Alaska Day 21

Although I expected it to rain last night, we woke to a great day for a ride! Blue skies with puffy white clouds. We stopped at the Walmart in Wasilla where we must have been in a voodoo zone.  Both GPS's froze up, so we had to fake it though town.  Not normally an issue, but we missed a turn near the airport and landed in down town.  Traffic was light, so not an issue but it was nice to see the on ramp to the freeway and know that we are headed in the right direction.  Shortly after leaving Anchorage the clouds rolled in.

Turnagain Arm south of Anchorage
We continued south, on our way to Homer.
Photo thanks to Lyon
Me on my loaded down bike
Cook Inlet
Wayne, with the Beemer loaded down
Mountains across the inlet

The rain eventually came, hard enough that I thought about stopping for the boys to put on their rain gear, but it didn't last.  Funny thing, all of my regular gear is waterproof. I don't have to stop and put on rain booties, rain pants or a rain coat.  And because of the waterproof Oxford Muffs covering my hand grips I don't even change my gloves.  Almost all of the rest of our group has to stop and add .. something!

We went to the hostel where I had reservations only to decide that the people there were just too flaky for us. That meant we needed to find a place to camp, fully expecting it to rain again during the night. While looking, we ran into Ken again.  He had a room for the night on the spit.  The Homer Spit hangs out into the mouth of Kachemak Bay, and the wind was howling that day.
We found the Homer City Campground, Karen Hornaday Hillside Park.  It was definitely on a hillside, but we found a site that worked. The trees weren't placed right for tarping but we made it work.
Lyon looks like a tarp ate his tent!
Before we went to dinner Wayne and Lyon helped a couple of homeless men who had been given a tent by the church, but had no clue how to put it up. We got it up in no time, then headed to town for dinner.  It is still weird, going to dinner at 9 o'clock and not worrying about it being dark when we get out!  So cool!

Rain today riding
202 miles

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